Westgrove History Project Dedication:

The Westgrove History project is dedicated to Westgrove’s last original owner, Mrs. Virginia Campbell. Virginia and her husband John bought their home on Wake Forest Drive in 1957 where they raised their three children Bob, Laura, and Harriet Renee. Since John worked on Capitol Hill, Westgrove’s proximity to Washington D.C. along with the area's excellent schools informed their new home purchase in this award-winning community of young families.

Virginia inspired the history project with her vivid memories of Westgrove’s early years and the original sales’ brochures and other documents that she had carefully preserved. During the 65 years that she lived here, Virginia was active in the Westgrove community, hosting the women’s club meeting on the third Thursday of October for decades, participating in the Christmas stocking project for many years, and sharing her love of Gothic Cathedrals and art history. She loved to garden and generously shared her delicious tomatoes. Well into her 90s, she continued to mow her grass and used a snow blower to clear the sidewalk and driveway! 

Virginia’s real passion was music. A graduate of the Eastman School of Music, she directed choirs at St. Luke’s Episcopal and Mount Vernon Methodist churches for 50 years. We celebrate her long-life of service and as a treasured neighbor and friend.

We would also like to thank the approximately thirty longtime and original homeowners who participated in a detailed interview about their Westgrove experience. Their memories, amusing anecdotes, and photographs fostered multiple lines of inquiry.

Mrs. Virginia Campbell (1925 - 2022)