Keeping Westgrove Green

In 2021, a special committee formed to educate and inspire the community on Westgrove’s most notable feature: our beautiful tree canopy. Known as the Tree Amigos, our three dedicated neighbors authored weekly articles on tree care, composting, the importance of native trees, and more.

Tree Selection

Identifying the Trees on your Property

Understanding the trees on your property is the first step in caring for them.


Small Trees and Shrubs

Similar to their taller counterparts, selecting the correct small trees and shrubs makes all the difference.

Selecting a Tree for your Property

Choose the right trees for your property and plant them at the right time.


The Much-Maligned Gumball Tree

Learn to love this quirky (and sometimes messy) tree found in many of Westgrove’s gardens.

Native Tree Advantages

Take tree selection one step further by planting native trees in your garden.


Tree Care

Evaluating Your Tree’s Health

Trees add value to your property and taking care of them makes financial sense.


Protecting Newly Planted Trees from Deer

Deer may be bountiful in our neighborhood, but we can protect our trees from their impact.


Pruning your Trees (Part 1)

The first rule of pruning? Do no harm.

Planting a Tree

Planting a tree is trickier than it seems! Follow these steps for a successful tree planting.


Protecting Trees during Home Renovations

Home renovation and repair is a lot of work - don’t forget to consider your trees during the process.


Pruning your Trees (Part 2)

The second rule of pruning? Find the right tree expert.

Basic Tree Care: Watering

Keep your trees healthy and hydrated not only in our hot summer months, but throughout the year.


Removing Ivy from Trees

Ivy is an invasive species and can damage your trees. Learn how to properly remove it.


Cicada Damage: Tree Flagging

Although we won’t see them for many years, learn how to spot cicada damage.

Soil, Mulch, and Compost

Soil: The Mystery Under Your Feet (Part 1)

Soil is mostly invisible, but its complex nature can add to the health and beauty of your garden.


Green Mulch Possibilities

Green, or living, mulch is another option to keep your trees healthy and provide habitat options for other creatures.

Soil: The Mystery Under Your Feet (Part 2)

Go beyond soil and learn how our clay top layer can impact your plantings.


Leaf Mold Composting

Our large tree canopy leads to a lot of leaves. Use them to your garden’s advantage.

The Dos and Don’ts of Mulching Your Trees

There are many benefits to mulching your trees, but it’s important to do it the right way.


Westgrove-specific Topics

Westgrove’s Mighty Oaks

Much of Westgrove’s tree canopy is comprised of oak varieties. Learn how to protect these special trees.

Celebrating Westgrove’s Trees

The message that started it all: see why Westgrove’s trees inspired the formation of the Tree Amigos.

Additional Resources

The Value of Trees

Trees add a lot of value to our homes - don’t overlook this important asset!

Trees and Stormwater Management

Stormwater is a growing issue in Alexandria. Trees can help slow water down, allow it to sink in, and spread it out.

Finding and Working with an Arborist

There are many considerations for selecting an arborist, who can provide critical assessments for your trees.


Tree Inspiration: Gardens and Books

Westgrove is close to many acclaimed gardens - gain inspiration from these and several book recommendations.